© Robin Langsdorf
© Alexa Palmerini
A neighborhood sanctuary
Walk through a wrought iron gate on West 89th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues and you will discover West Side Community Garden (WSCG), a hidden gem of the Upper West Side, free and open to the public every day of the year.
© Alexa Palmerini
A cacophony of birdsong greets the morning visitor to West Side Community Garden as the city melts away and the natural world emerges. The ebb and flow of activity continues in the garden space throughout the day: volunteers weed and water the flower beds; friends meet to share a cup of coffee; others sit quietly and read a book or eat lunch.
Sandwiched between two apartment buildings and spanning the width of a block, the garden is a lush passageway between 89th and 90th Street, offering a momentary oasis from city life for those passing through on their way to errands elsewhere in the neighborhood.
The maintenance of the garden is an all-volunteer activity, and from its origins, WSCG has brought together Upper West Siders from all walks of life. Garden members actively reach out to ensure that all neighbors – residents, local schools and social service providers – take advantage of the special events and activities, school vegetable plots, and shaded garden seating areas.
Many members remark that as part of the garden community they feel free to relax and be themselves. Each July 4th, garden lovers come together for a barbeque and potluck, sharing whatever they can bring, from a bag of chips to their favorite dish. The garden also hosts other events, including the tulip festival, movie night, Shakespeare performances, the arts and crafts festival, and a variety of concerts. It is the sense of close community and friendships discovered that keeps members involved in, and committed to, the garden.
Top © Alexa Palmerini; above © Robin Langsdorf
About the garden
Under the guidance of the flower committee, the garden is maintained by members and community volunteers who dedicate as much time as they can, be it during the week or at weekends. The smaller plots are assigned to individuals who are responsible for their planting and care.
The vegetable plots, communal herb bed, six children’s school plots, tool shed, and compost bins are located in a closed area of the garden on 90th Street, which the general public is welcome to explore when a garden member is present. There is a waiting list for vegetable plots, which are assigned to members on the basis of time spent participating in the community work of the garden.
Since 1993 we have been fortunate to have had access to a greenhouse on the grounds of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine at 112th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. This collaboration has enabled us to raise most of our annual flowers – and many vegetables and herbs – from seed sown there in February each year. Members can opt to help in the greenhouse at weekends, adding an extra dimension to their volunteering experience.
Top © Alexa Palmerini; above © Robin Langsdorf
“I thank you for the seeds. Too old to plant trees for my own gratification, I shall do it for my posterity”
—Thomas Jefferson
123 West 89th Street (between Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue)
Manhattan, New York City
McCann Art & Design © 2019 West Side Community Garden