© Alexa Palmerini
Frequently asked questions
How can I become a member of the garden?
Membership in the garden costs $15 a year and is open to everyone. Becoming a member is as simple as completing a membership form and sending it in with your $15.
To get a membership form, click the Membership tab on this site.
- choose ‘New Member’
- then choose ‘Associate’ or ‘Sustaining’ membership. (New members cannot select ‘Full Member’ since a vegetable or flower plot has not yet been assigned.)
- complete the form on line and use our secure Paypal or credit card link to send your $15.
Or if you prefer, print out the New Member form PDF, complete it, and mail it with your $15 to the P.O. Box listed on the bottom of the page.
What do 'Associate', 'Sustaining', and 'Full' Membership mean?
An Associate Member is one who wants to work to help maintain the garden as a physical space and an organization (including those on the wait list for a vegetable or flower plot). About four hours of work per month is expected.
A Sustaining Member is one who supports the garden through a financial contribution. We are very grateful, and no work is expected.
A Full Member is one who has been assigned a vegetable or flower plot. Dues rise to $30 a year, and four hours per month of volunteer community work continues to be expected, in addition to maintaining the member’s own plot.
How can I get a vegetable or flower plot?
Plots are assigned (when they become available) to WSCG members according to their places on the waiting list. So the first step is to become a member of the garden. On the membership form, be sure to check the box for a vegetable or flower plot, or both. This puts you on the waiting list.
Be sure also to list the committees you’d like to work on. The garden expects about four hours a month of active participation from members who either have, or hope to have, a plot. This can include work in the garden itself, or help with behind-the-scenes tasks that keep the garden going as an organization, such as planning and delivering events, fundraising, publicity, etc.
The waiting list for a vegetable plot is currently about three years. To keep your place on the waiting list, it’s necessary to renew your membership every year and to continue to contribute volunteer work.
Who owns the garden, and who maintains it?
West Side Community Garden, Inc., a non-profit corporation, is the legal owner of the garden. The corporation is run by its Board of Directors, who are elected by the members.
The garden is maintained by its members, all of whom volunteer their services. It has no paid staff.
How long has the garden been here?
The space that’s now WSCG was a garbage-strewn empty lot in the mid-1970s. As part of the West Side Urban Renewal Area, it was one of many lots designated by NYC as in need of slum clearance. (This lot originally extended all the way to Columbus Avenue.)
Neighbors from the surrounding community began clearing the space and coming into the lot to garden, as squatters. Eventually they formed themselves into an organization and began a years-long process of negotiating with both City government and the developer who had the right to build on the land, but had not yet done so. The Trust for Public Land provided both logistical support and a loan. The gardeners raised money for the landscape design by Terry Schnadelbach, and the garden took its current form in 1987–88. In late 1989, in a marathon day of legal procedures, the developer transferred the garden to the Trust for Public Land, which in turn transferred it to West Side Community Garden, Inc., to be maintained as a public space forever.
How can I volunteer in the garden?
One way is to become a member. You will be on our email list and will receive information about all garden events, and about becoming active on the committees of your choice.
Or, if you prefer to be involved just a few times a year, look for notices on the garden fence or on this website detailing work weekends and other events throughout the year.
Put your name on our mailing list to receive email notifications of what’s going on in the garden, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
Can I rent the garden for my wedding or other event?
Sorry, but the garden can’t be rented for private or corporate events. With the once-a-year exception of our own Benefit Gala, events in the garden are generally free and open to the public.
Can my loved one's name be placed on a bench as a memorial, if I make a donation?
Unfortunately, the garden is not able to accommodate this form of memorial. However, there are other ways that the contribution of a friend of the garden can be publicly recognized. For more information, please contact Judy Robinson (judyrobn@yahoo.com).
How can I make a donation to the garden?
- Click ‘Donate’ on this site to make a secure on-line donation, using Paypal or your credit card. OR
- Mail a check to
P.O. Box 20301
Park West Station
New York, NY 10025
- If you would like to discuss a more substantial or ongoing donation, please contact Sandy Owen (sowen43@gmail.com) or Judy Robinson (judyrobn@yahoo.com).
123 West 89th Street (between Amsterdam Avenue and Columbus Avenue)
Manhattan, New York City
McCann Art & Design © 2019 West Side Community Garden